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Sim card.....


Active Member
So I understand that the MP can create a WIFI.
I've been told that I need to purchase a sim card.

Ok here goes....
1) Has anyone done this? have you purchased a sim card to create a WIFI in the MP?
2) If so - can you point me to the service you used
3) Ummmmm where does the sim go?

Why am I asking?
I have an "out of country" mobile phone that gets 2g at MAX.
If the price is right it would be great for the car to get 3 or 4g and I'll use that instead of STRAINing my phone's plan.

OH - I can't go down the route of upgrading my mobile phone with better coverage, I want to evaluate the car's ability to provide it.
It must have a sim built in as that's how the MercedesMe connects, however that doesn't work for WiFi.

It works via your phone I'm afraid. The car will use Bluetooth or USB to tether to your phone and then your tablet can use the WiFi point of the car.

It's utterly pointless as you may as well just set up a WiFi hotspot on your phone.


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