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Hi everyone,

My MP is due for a service very soon but my local dealership does not know the cost of an A service!!!

Has anyone had this service if so could you give a rough idea of the cost please.

Many thanks
I have asked Mercedes for a for quote an A service. They eventually came back with a quote for a B service at £959.25 plus V.A.T. It seems that Mercedes
can't get anything right. Still waiting so I will contact a local commercial dealer.
Has anyone else tried this?

Many thanks
Hi. I contacted my local MB service Center. for teh A service on a 220d Sport Marco Polo, the cost they gave me is £279 which is a std oil and filter type change.
They had to manually load the service details into their system. The Marco Polo is classed as an MPV so that is the same is if it were a std V Class vehicle, they dont service the things like the Kitchen equipment. Hope this is helpful
Thanks for you help. I have since booked it in with a local commercial dealer and that comes to £125 plus V.A.T. for the A service. Maybe thats the way to go.
Kind regards
I assume that people are taking about the first service at 2 years old? I’ve not had one done yet but it is coming up in June. I guess it would be more frequent if I was a high mileage driver. As it is, the onboard countdown equated to 2 years. When I bought the MP the dealer tried to sell me some sort of servicing plan. If I remember correctly the monthly cost was around £40. Decided against and thought I would take my chances of one off payments when required. Did make me think each service might be quite expensive tho.
Last year I found a service price on the internet from Mercedes for £110.00 plus V.A.T. for an A service on a Vito van, which after all is what a MP is.
The A or first service seems to be oil and filter change and do a few checks.

Marco Polo Club
