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Security - an alternative idea


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My MP will be parked on the drive so no need actual insurance requirement for a tracker. Having said that the hassle if you have a theft claim, especially if it's your everyday transport too, is such that I'll probably fit one anyway.

However, has anyone found a way to padlock the drivers seat in the rear facing position? I haven't taken delivery yet, so I haven't had a close look, but a short length of plastic covered chain and a 5-lever mortice padlock could be very cheap protection.
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They would have to get the key first so the first priority should be making the keys inaccessible.Their only option is to tow it away then,which they would have to be very determined to do.

On a related note-does anyone know how a thief would deal with the integrated locator built into the vehicle and accessible with the app?In principal if the vehicle is stolen it should be locateable straight away via the Mercedes Me app

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