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Rear seats motor ‘overun’ noise


Has anyone had any problems with the motor running on after the rear seats are lowered? On our 2021 MP the driver side rear seat goes down and the motor stops when you release the button. The passenger side rid different as the motor continues after it’s down and the button released for some 10 to 15 seconds. It’s been back to Mercedes in Peterborough and the response afte a second visit is that its “ the noise is in fact down to the air distribution within the seat, and so when going to lay the seat flat it is actually releasing the air from the bolsters built into the seat, so that it lays as flat as possible once the seat is down.”
Has anyone had similar problems or is this overrun on one seat only standard?
both our seat run on to deflate bolsters and we reflate with buttons on seats when they are in the upright position
Yes. Apparently this is doing what it’s supposed to do. I asked at first as it sounds unusual, but the reason now sounds plausible.
I have just bought my van2018 found the cable was diconected when van was delivered. Pluged cable in to try seats to find when they come to top the motors run on. I panicked and quickily pulled the cable out thinking i was going to burn out motor.
I have been back ontothe gaarage I bought from who are a main Merc dealership They are Looking into the problem.
iam now a bitt confussed reading these posts. They might be nothing wrong??
I have just bought my van2018 found the cable was diconected when van was delivered. Pluged cable in to try seats to find when they come to top the motors run on. I panicked and quickily pulled the cable out thinking i was going to burn out motor.
I have been back ontothe gaarage I bought from who are a main Merc dealership They are Looking into the problem.
iam now a bitt confussed reading these posts. They might be nothing wrong??
The run on is normal; if you MP is at the dealers I'd ask them how long its running on and if its just about 5 to 10 seconds then its the same as mine. The main issues with rear seats are the seat cover retainers popping off and the control buttons falling off with use. Both easy fixes.
Yeah thanks for that Steve
Problem is that merc dealership don’t seem to know anything about mp vans
Will have to wait and see
We have been told it is standard but as you say this advice came from those on this site (thanks) and not the dealership.

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