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Radio + leisure battery


First we in MP and what a great van this is !
Just one question .
When i don’t have the key in the ingition and i put on the radio , is it powered with the main battery of the car or with the leasure battery / 220v main charger ?
I think i read something about a relay taking over the car with the leasure battery when it is not turning .
Just to be shure i can always start the car .
if the radio shuts after 10 minutes or so it would be using starter battery, mine shuts, annoyingly (Viano MP from 2012)
From my search and practical testing at my MPActivity YOM2019 the leisure battery supplies Upper flexible lights, USB at Dashboard, 2 x 12v sockets in bottle holders on side + extras as roof window and aux. heating, all the rest incl. radio, 12v socket at Dashboard, 12v in trunk and all interior lights are powered by main battery.
My MPA doesn’t have kitchen so I guess MP kitchen (Watter pump and fridge) should be powered also from leisure battery

Marco Polo Club
