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Pet Carrying


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Would be interested in how, those of you who carry pets in your MP, haul them around securely. Clip into the seatbelt? Lashing eyelets in the track system? My manual doesn't state what the weight tolerance is for the eyelets; I'm comfortable with the tracks given they secure our seats, but not as comfortable with the lashing eyelets not knowing their weight tolerance.
I have a Marco Polo sport so only 2 seats in the back. Using one for our (small) dog with two people in the back is therefore not an option since all the seat belts are used. I therefore bough a cable (from Amazon I think) that clips to the isofix point near the seat belt. This has the weight tolerance. Our dog is small so can sit between my two daughters but the cable I got came in various lengths so a bigger dog could sit / lie on the floor but still be tethered.
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