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NEW ON-LINE SHOP is fantastic

Paul Rutley

Active Member
Incredibly helpful people and a terrific range of really 'must haves' for your Marco.
Referring to the comparison film versing the MP against the California (in the forum) the critiqued of the MP was the front window curtain being fiddly(which is true) but as the cab get so hot in the sun it needs an external reflector so the wrap round external thermal windscreen and side front window cover at £134.99 seems like a perfect all round winter/summer solution and absolute privacy without internal clutter - https://shop.marcopoloownersclub.co...ttribute_colour=Black+Outside+/+Silver+Inside.
Mine will be on order as soon as I've sorted out a few other 'must haves'!
NB note the roof topper also shown in that link, another wow!
External blinds are the best option.

If wild camping, or in places where you feel less than secure, then rely on the internal blinds.
thank you BabaJen, I've since realised I'd stowed away a front window external cover picked up in a car boot sale, fits well and much better quality than I had thought.
Don't think I'll be wild camping, but who knows:) Bobby would love it!!

Marco Polo Club
