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New delivery Negligence


Go my two month late MB delivered and was clearly very excited. An emotion that was quickly replaced by one of frustration. The rear of the vhl was devoid of any power. No roof raiser capability and no power to the central control panel. The delivery chap pointed at the Central control and said with abundant confidence that it was a cd player !!!!
A Merc breakdown chap came out with a very smart Merc response van - two hours later he gave up and I had to drive it to dealer for repair. Hire car home and phone call next day saying it was fixed. Turned out with delivery comes a note from Westfelen telling dealer to replace the 50amp fuze that is removed to protect the bat prior to delivery. Really sad that that info was not in the Van and that the main office and all the various people I spoke to clearly were/are not trained in the MP.

Frustrating start but still love the Van.


Marco Polo Club
