I can't seem to find this answer anywhere (actually I have about 10 questions I can't find anywhere) but this is my 2nd most important one.
My car: 2018 with Command Online
What other services do it correctly: WAZE and I have the Garmin app on my phone, both did it correctly on my 2013 Subaru (and every rental car I've used since).
iPhone: Newest model with newest software
-- Topic: Navigation:
-- Issue: The verbal instructions from the navigation talks over the top of my podcast / book / music from my iphone
-- How is my iPhone connected to command online: Tried BOTH USB or Bluetooth
-- Question: How do I make the verbal instructions stop my podcast then after completing the instructions turn the podcast back on?
-- Music from iphone looks like this: 123456789
-- Navigation from Command Online looks like this: ABCDEFGH
I want it work like this: 12345ABCDEFGH6789
This is what is happening: 12345A6B7C8D9E
I want the navigation to STOP / PAUSE the music when telling me the navigation then RE-start the music after navigation complete
Can I do it another way: YES, but then why did I spend so much money on the command online. --- another question for another time.
My car: 2018 with Command Online
What other services do it correctly: WAZE and I have the Garmin app on my phone, both did it correctly on my 2013 Subaru (and every rental car I've used since).
iPhone: Newest model with newest software
-- Topic: Navigation:
-- Issue: The verbal instructions from the navigation talks over the top of my podcast / book / music from my iphone
-- How is my iPhone connected to command online: Tried BOTH USB or Bluetooth
-- Question: How do I make the verbal instructions stop my podcast then after completing the instructions turn the podcast back on?
-- Music from iphone looks like this: 123456789
-- Navigation from Command Online looks like this: ABCDEFGH
I want it work like this: 12345ABCDEFGH6789
This is what is happening: 12345A6B7C8D9E
I want the navigation to STOP / PAUSE the music when telling me the navigation then RE-start the music after navigation complete
Can I do it another way: YES, but then why did I spend so much money on the command online. --- another question for another time.