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MP number plate!

My MP has sold, so this number plate is for sale if anyone is interested in it... i’m looking for £595 o.v.n.o (price includes vat and the assignment fee)
My MP has sold, so this number plate is for sale if anyone is interested in it... i’m looking for £595 o.v.n.o (price includes vat and the assignment fee)

Hi Andrew will you accept £500 ? If so please email me/ private message me (not sure how this forum works yet) and I will arrange transaction
Hi Andrew
Thanks for your positive response I have a deposit on a new MP and am waiting for this embargo business to get sorted, therefore the vehicle is not yet registered yet
I want the plate I think I can buy it and have it on retention for assigning to the vehicle at a later date (please correct me if I am wrong
Please advise on the way forward with this ?For payment an electronic transfer is best so if you wish you can let me have Sort code and acc no. I will arrange payment
I am off to Germany very early tomorrow for 3 days so will sort today if you can advise me on the way fward with this
Are priv messages permited on this forum ?
Thanks Andrew I want the plate without doubt. Please send me the acc details I will transfer later today and we will sort when I return from Hoffenheim

Marco Polo Club
