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I'm with comfort, and have made a claim with them. They were very good, and the premium hardly budged on renewal. It is campervan/caravan/motorhome centric so confidence with what's covered, only draw back is usage restrictions. Main one being you cannot use the MP for anything work related including to/from your normal workplace. For me that is now not an issue with the new work from home acceptance since covid, and I have my other car for all work stuff. Also, there isn't any no claims gains, but the costs are competitive anyway.
Regarding claims handling interesting to note that Steve B. I know Comfort are underwritten by Aviva and your point about no claims bonus is well made - found they don't take ncb into account at all.
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Regarding claims handling interesting to note that Steve B. I know Comfort are underwritten by Aviva and your point about no claims bonus is well made - found they don't take ncb into account at all.

Comfort use a net policy so no NCD their base price is equivelant to a policy with full NCD.

They do keep a record of NC for future use though.

Marco Polo Club
