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Marco Polo Youtube video series


Active Member
Hi Guys,

I'm going to be putting a few videos on YouTube with hints and tips about the Marco Polo - I'd really appreciate it if you'd subscribe to the channel and perhaps suggest ideas for videos. The first one starts with the key fob and switching between the rear window and boot opening.

Thumbnail Youtube How to Modern Candy Colors (2).png

Ideas for subsequent vids:
  • raising and lowering pop-top safely; manual closure in emergency
  • resetting the seat motors
  • emptying waste tank and water tank
  • dropping spare wheel
Any others?

Anyhow, hope you enjoy it! Marc
Ha great idea, I’m sure loads of people will benefit from this. One thing about the key fob you missed, if you lock the car and the windows are open press and hold the lock button and all the windows will close (for as long as you are holding the button). I think you need to be on the drivers side and in direct view of the sensor on the drivers door handle…

I actually tried re-programming the tailgate last summer and failed so will give that another go now since you cannot open the rear window from inside the van (as far as I can tell) I have been known to do a mini streak around the back on a bright and sunny morning. Now I’m sure many campers will never know what you have saved them from.
On the horizon you can (apparently ) program which side door opens…
Ha great idea, I’m sure loads of people will benefit from this. One thing about the key fob you missed, if you lock the car and the windows are open press and hold the lock button and all the windows will close (for as long as you are holding the button). I think you need to be on the drivers side and in direct view of the sensor on the drivers door handle…

I actually tried re-programming the tailgate last summer and failed so will give that another go now since you cannot open the rear window from inside the van (as far as I can tell) I have been known to do a mini streak around the back on a bright and sunny morning. Now I’m sure many campers will never know what you have saved them from.
On the horizon you can (apparently ) program which side door opens…
Agggh, there's always an extra little hidden feature which gets missed. Thank you so much for this little tidbit, and I'm glad you liked the video. It's for beginners really who may be interested in the MP. Let me know if you have any ideas for future videos - I may pick your brains beforehand to make sure I cover everything! Once the video is loaded on youtube, you're not allowed to edit it....
Great video's, I think for people just getting their new van these will save so much time. Your Jackery demo finally moved me from installing solar to getting a power station and fold up panel (still to buy the panel). The solar install is convenient and definitely the way to go for people who use the MP off grid regularly, but for occasional off gridders like me the Jackery can also be used elsewhere. Make sure you get some royalties from them!
Mark thank you so much for these videos. As a prospective MP owner these give a great insight of the critical aspects of the vehicle. Will help immensely in assessing cars up for sale and allow a more detailed viewing of each. Invaluable. Thank you!
Another big thanks for posting these very informative videos.
I was prepping the MP in readiness for our next trip when I realised that the rear near side seat wouldn’t go down. I remembered watching the reset facility on the video. After a quick refresh the problem was sorted.
Thanks again.
I was even looking for a bike rack and one of Marks videos nailed it for me. Keep up the good work sir.
Latest video here if you're thinking of buying a MP and wondering what upgrades to get.

Please subscribe to the channel if you find the content even remotely useful! :)

Thumbnail Youtube How to Modern Candy Colors (7).png
Another big thanks for posting these very informative videos.
I was prepping the MP in readiness for our next trip when I realised that the rear near side seat wouldn’t go down. I remembered watching the reset facility on the video. After a quick refresh the problem was sorted.
Thanks again.
Thanks Blackrat - actually I had a similar problem at the weekend and had to remember how to do it myself. There's always the worry that it may be something that the reset button can't fix (I've heard of motors burning out if the seat gets stuck for example). Anyway, problem got solved....

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