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Marco Polo in Australia.


Wow! I finally managed to join the forum. I have aV220 Sport Marco Polo Activity in black. The delivery was frustratingly delayed due to the
embargo at time. I’m enjoying it immensely and It’s already been to Tasmania, South Australia and New South Wales. Yes, lots of kms! I live in Melbourne. Later this year I’ll be heading Sydney and also Queensland. It’s really working well for me as a musician and an author. However I feel that everyone in England and Europe is luckier than us. We only get the Activity down under. Hello everyone and I love my Marco Polo.
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Welcome to the forum

My love for wild camping was born in Aus when we would chuck a tent and a gas cooker in the back of an old Falcon or a Ute and just head off for several days,

Later we would head back to the city via a winery to stock up our BYO stocks.

The MP gives you just that bit more comfort for sleeping at night but don’t be envious of all that kitchen stuff that we have in Europe. It can be dispensed with for cooking or having a brew outside in wide open spaces.

Hopefully your Horizon will have long reliable legs and cope well with the challenges of Aussie distances.

Enjoy the stars at night!
Hello & Welcome - Sounds like you have already put some mileage in and are enjoying your MP. Scenery/locations in the UK are beautiful in their own right, but it will be great to see some Australian views with the MP.
Hello & Welcome - Sounds like you have already put some mileage in and are enjoying your MP. Scenery/locations in the UK are beautiful in their own right, but it will be great to see some Australian views with the MP.
Thank you. I’ll post some pics as soon as I work out how to. Cheers.

Marco Polo Club
