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Marco Polo 2021 300 D AMG problems


Hi there
I am new to this but I have a big problem. I would like to ask for advice and know if anybody has had the same problems with their Marco polo. I have a 2021 V300D AMG Marco Polo and it’s been about seven times in the garage since I bought it in June 2021. I’ve had problems with the Marco Polo battery draining the main battery of the van several times. But the worst problem has been a fissure in the motor or exhaust pipe which was sending smoke or fumes into the cabin. That was giving me a horrible headache and they had to dismantle the whole motor to fix it. I have checked the contract and I’m trying to claim that the vehicle is unsuitable as it poses too much risk for me to travel with my family and find myself stuck miles away from home. Especially when the warranty expires. Has anybody had any experiences with this van? Is it just bad luck?
I would really appreciate some help
Kind regards
Hi and welcome Arturo; sorry to hear of your problems, fumes in the cabin is a serious issue. I think you have been unlucky as this is the first time I can recall a problem like this, and a double flat battery as well. I have some annoying vibrations and have had the roof blisters (so a new roof), but that's it in nearly four years of ownership.

I hope it doesn't put you off what is a decent camper and daily driver

Marco Polo Club
