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Marco Polo – Roof won’t open or close


Marco Polo – Roof won’t open or close

I hope that someone can help. I have a 2018 (W447) Marco Polo and the roof won’t open or close. It makes a vague attempt and then nothing happens on hook up or via the auxiliary battery. I have replaced the aux battery and the aux battery relay that solved a problem of the battery not charging or holding the charge. The roof failed open and I managed to override it using the emergency procedure. The Westphalia panel shows that the vehicle is on hookup and that the aux battery is charged. The roof shows that the roof is closed and on pressing will show open despite the roof not really moving, but does make a small noise that suggests that there is some action at the ram. Having searched the MP forum, I have checked the 30amp fuse on the panel below the fridge and it is good; I have checked and tested the microswitches, including overriding them and tested the roof on and off hookup – but no result. I have accessed the error codes and they read as follows: 01/011; 02/131; 03/130; 05/170; 05/120; 06/125; 07/110. My questions are as follows: a) What is the purpose of the microswitch, it appears that they provide feedback that the roof is closed b) Has anyone any experience of being able to check or change the electric rams on each of the arms c) How can you raise the roof manually? Looking forward to any help, wisdom or suggestions.
I sometimes find mine does not open - it makes a tiny effort then nothing.
I have found repeatedly pressing the "up" button it will try a bit each time and then eventually go up.
Not ideal but Mercedes have looked and claim nothing wrong (nothing new there ...) so unless / until that trick does not work I will continue with it.
XEG12 - thanks for the comment.

So the puzzle was solved after a lot of investigation.

I discovered that the leisure battery under the front passenger seat was not holding charge and had been replaced with a Mercedes Starter battery, I think a case of the prior owner getting it fixed at a MB dealership with a near to mid-term solution. Howevere, a starter battery has a fundamentally different cycle time and discharge pattern. I have now replaced this with a long cycle Tanya battery and it all fully works and all fault codes have been cleared.

Interesting. Mine also is a standard Starter Battery but it is AGM (not lead acid). The dealer said they fitted the same battery as starter and ‘auxiliary’ I did get the battery condition checked and it came back “good” with a professional battery condition unit.

On other thing - there are three batteries in the MP - a starter (under drivers seat/UK); a leisure battery (under passenger seat/UK) and an auxillary battery (under driver seat behind the starter battery and accessible from the removable panel under the drivers seat in the main cabin). The auxillary battery is a smaller batter that maintains power and is back up.
Absolutely - seems to be working very well.,
Hi, my leisure battery has died (was killed) probably as a result of of being laid up in a workshop for 6 weeks and I neglected to tell them to keep it charged. Having removed the battery, it turns out to be an 80Ah GEL battery which was obviously replaced by the previous owner. Given that I'm unlikely to restore its health, and given that it's not ideal either, I'm going to replace it and wondered how have you found the Tanya battery. Clearly, reliable roof operation is a necessity.
Hi Gark,

thanks for the note and I can 100% confirm that the Tanya battery is working well. We drive our MP probably once a week and therefore it gets an infrequenty charge. However, it has held up well. Best of luck.


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