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Leisure Battery / Fixing the bed


New Member

I just bought a 1999 2.0 boxer gas/LPG Marco Polo and went camping. The previous owner had it in storage for over a year, so my guess is , that the leisure battery is dead. I'm on a campsite now, so ofcourse I did not bring any tools. So, besides from bying a new battery, is there anyway anybody can think of to test it ? I did plug it in, but the screen did nothing. And I did push the switch up and down next to the , cabinet where the stove is .

Also, my second question, the part between the bench and the door, to make a bed, isn't fixed. Now when you open the back, on the right hand side there is a rail , and holes in the rail which line up perfectly , so I guess that has to be fixed there. Only , I didn't see a thread in those holes so there is nothing else, could anybody please tell me what I need , what it's called, and where to buy it ?On the other side, there seems to be nothing , other than two holes. Same goes for this side. At the moment, I'm using two large bricks that I found....

Any little help is welcome, as in pointing me in the right direction , I did bring my laptop :)

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