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It strikes again!

Eric Robinson

Active Member
Travelled down to London to pickup my MP today, only to discover the spec of the vehicle on paper did not live up to the reality. The paperwork on which I made my offer included the Diesel airheater. All the various extras, awning, command line, diesel heater etc were listed and present.......but on inspection the heater was no where to be seen. The salesman was at a loss and could not believe it which in turn stalled the deal. The confusion evident between the water heater and air heater is a real problem. MB need to come up with new names for each! The problem with buying a MP which became evident to me is how little the sales people and service staff know about the MP as they encounter precious few which in the end is not good for the customer. The moral of the story is check your vehicle carefully before parting with your cash. I hope to conclude the deal tomorrow minus the 1K for the heater, plus a wee sweetener. Thankfully info which I gleaned from this forum prepared me so I know what to look for, otherwise I could have driven away with a vehicle minus a diesel air heater and 1K out of pocket.
Travelled down to London to pickup my MP today, only to discover the spec of the vehicle on paper did not live up to the reality. The paperwork on which I made my offer included the Diesel airheater. All the various extras, awning, command line, diesel heater etc were listed and present.......but on inspection the heater was no where to be seen. The salesman was at a loss and could not believe it which in turn stalled the deal. The confusion evident between the water heater and air heater is a real problem. MB need to come up with new names for each! The problem with buying a MP which became evident to me is how little the sales people and service staff know about the MP as they encounter precious few which in the end is not good for the customer. The moral of the story is check your vehicle carefully before parting with your cash. I hope to conclude the deal tomorrow minus the 1K for the heater, plus a wee sweetener. Thankfully info which I gleaned from this forum prepared me so I know what to look for, otherwise I could have driven away with a vehicle minus a diesel air heater and 1K out of pocket.
1K?our air heater is listed at a cost of £2250+vat
.......mmmm that humble pie I just had was delicious.
I was totally wrong in regard to the heater installed in my MP. The problem in part was MB way of naming the aux heater/water heater, using either of the two names. Because I bought my MP off the shelf, so to speak, the spec was already set. It was either having a vehicle for the end of March or for some indeterminate date in the future. I had thought, going by the spec that they had installed the, under the driver seat heater, when in fact it was the aux air heater. Both use diesel and I was pretty confused plus I didn't want to end up paying for a non-existent heater. Part of the problem, aside from my basic stupidity, was lack of knowledge by either salespeople or the MB technical staff, which is understandable as they have seen precious few MP passing through their centre. Given it was the main MB service centre in London I was a bit surprised. All I would like to say on this is that MB really needs to explain the whole heater options using a better naming system to avoid confusion. Thanks for the pics by the way, very helpful.
New buyers beware.
Which one did you get, the aux air heater (60 mins run time) or the night air heater, or both?
It came with the Aux Air Heater, which will be handy when off grid. I'll find out if the 2 x 60 min use in a 24 hour period is enough or not. When hooked up I'll use a little fan heater. To be honest in my last van, VW, I used the diesel heater infrequently preferring to use the fan heater.
Hello! We picked up our MP yesterday and we are slightly confused by the diesel heater and auxiliary heater. What is the difference between the two or are they the same thing? We didn’t pay for the diesel heater so what heating do we have?

The Manual is rather confusing too!
Theres two posible heaters one runs all night and is 2500 extra and one runs for 50 mins at a time and is described as a hot water heater ,You might have the aux hot water heater then it runs for 50mins at a time,for a max of I think 3 times it runs on fuel from the tank,it can be control with the remote or the app or the button on dash will also bring it on ,it works by heating the coolant water to warm engine and then in turn provides heat to the interior of the van it's a very good option to have,I have found it very useful indeed I opted to fit a night heater also which just finishes things off on the heat front

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