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Help... Pretty Please

Hi Guys, just after a bit of help please. We filmed yesterday with a UK Spec Marco Polo and I was informed that it was rear wheel drive but I'm not sure this is actually the case and I'm struggling to find out information on the driven wheels. Are they actually front wheel drive or is rear wheel drive available?

Thanks for your help
Hi, yeah it's me. It's quite an interesting video, just hope I have my MP facts right

You could always check it out on this forum if you like although We may not know either! Ive found that when people get the facts wrong when reviewing something, it somehow makes you question whether their review is based on more than a very cursory look
Shaun, good video (link here for the group).
A little biased perhaps in favour of the VW but I expect there will always be support for cool VW against a well made and designed but possibly “boring” MB!
A couple of my thoughts, the blinds really aren’t a problem, the blackout windows maintain the privacy and the front curtain, whilst a bit faffy is really snug and cosy.
And you can open the split tailgate from the inside - you can program the key to open the split tailgate instead of the full boot - details of how to do this are hidden in the manual so I wouldn’t expect you to know that.
I was literally just going to put the other link up.

Good video in my opinion and they made the correct choices either way however the weighting of the points would certainly be questioned for me. Is the external colour as important as the drive? The chair comfort/storage as important as the quality of the interior cabin or kitchen...Not for me. The vw and Merc both only have 2 chairs so if the vehicle is to be used for a family if 4 then you would need to store extra chairs in the boot of the Cali anyway.

Few others things possibly need adding to the comparison, the huge following of the VW which leads to guaranteed VW residuals which is a huge positive, in comparison to the price of the vehicle with Merc being slightly more yet have a spec that is far superior to that of the VW.

In the end 2 great vehicles that will both give years and years of fun which is what it's all about
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I agree that most of your views were very balanced but the final scores very much reflect your own personal requirements.
For me, the vehicle is an every day driver so the superior driving experience of the mp won heads down when I was investigating both models. Also the quality ‘feel’ of the mp helps to confirm it was worth the money I spent.
It would be interesting to hear your views once you have lived in the mp for a few nights. The comfort of the upper bed in the mp, without having to run out and buy any additional toppers, is impressive. At my age, I found the feel of the Cali bed too much like camping as a youngster!
However, if you have four people using the van, I agree that the electric rear seats in the mp might be a bit of a faff, but for two, the lower seats are more comfy than those in the Cali.
In conclusion, I think it is impossible to be unbiased about which of the two vehicles is ‘better’ as both have their advantages, according to individuals requirements and tastes - plumbers van or taxi, the choice is yours!
I agree with Katie which one is best is going to be defined by each persons individual needs and what’s important to them and how they prioritise things.

I’ll take the additional time it takes to convert the rear seat of the MP over the slab sided seat from the VW as my kids comfort for long trips is more important then me getting to bed 2 mins earlier.

The same goes for the engine, drive train and cabin. I prefer the option of getting out feeling fresh after a long drive not feeling like I’ve just driven a van for 5 hours.

As for paint options, The basic offering again is fairly similar other then if you wanted to spend over £2500 on a two tone with VW. Again I’ll take the £2500 in my pocket thanks.

Not saying the VW isn’t a bad option it isn’t, its just good to see now it’s not the ‘only’ option.
You know what? It's all about buying an experience and having fun. I can see why owners love their Cali to bits and I can see why the MP owners are enjoying their 'glamping' and I can't wait for our to come so we can join in too. Really excited at bumping into fellow campervan fans and sharing a bottle of something nice.
I enjoyed the video and thought it was a well balanced and fair appraisal of both vehicles.As said before it’s all down to personal requirements.I think the Cali is a lovely thing and if the MP wasn’t around I would have bought one and loved it,just not quite as much as my MP.

Marco Polo Club
