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Extended Warranty - worthwhile?


New Member
Hi all - new member and just about to conclude a purchase of a 5yr old marco polo. Very excited household. We're not new to MB, having had 5 - and will be PXing my 2012 E Class estate. Ive been offered a 3 year extended warranty - on a 12 month interest free option it looks like it might a good way to insure against possible electrical problems in the van as it (i believe) covers everything. The dealer knows i am getting solar and an aux heater fitted after purchase so will try to make sure that is clear and doesn't invalidate the warranty.

Any views / experience on extended warranties ? Valuable in a crisis or not worth the paper they are written on?

I have a Horizon and it is not a daily runner, and has manual roof and manual rear seat. I’m not even sure if the camping side is covered by the extended warrantee - you may want to check that. I didn’t bother in the end and we are now 1.5 years down the line. In truth It’s just a gamble I’m sure the chaps on here will come back saying yes and that it saved then 1000s… in the words of Dirty Harry - “do you feel lucky punk”
Hi & Welcome, there are a few good threads on here about extended warranty. Its a gamble and the camper kit site of things are not covered (fridge, roof, cooker, night heater etc). That said, I've took it out as the amount of V class stuff thats expensive that can go wrong (rear door, side door etc), one fault would cover the extended warranty costs, and ours is our main car.

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