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Electrical outlet just behind driver seat


Active Member
The electrical outlet, the one that allows "normal" every-day items to be powered.
Can this be used at any time.

When I purchased the MP I asked the dealer this question but I think something got lost in translation.
Here's the question.....

The outlet - At any time, can I plug my computer into it and charge it? , OR do I need to be tethered to the campsite power source for the outlet to work.

YES I did test this - I was "wild" camping and plugged my computer into the outlet - NO it did not work.
SO either my outlet is not working correctly, OR I must need to be connected to the campsite power.

The off grid one in the VW California are only around 150w output so if you want something similar to use off grid then just buy something like this: 150w Inverter they are less than 20 Euros!
Reading the online guide/ manual provides the answer. This forum is evidence that dealers don’t (always ) read them.
The section on the V Class /owner’s manual/storage and practical tips/230 v socket: Shows a 230 volt supply behind the driver’s seat which is powered via an inverter.
The Section Marco Polo / water gas electric MP/Electrical system /230 volt electrical supply: Shows a 230 volt socket which is connected to the external electrical hook up via an isolator.
Clearly different installations on different vehicles.
An interesting question:
Mercedes manufacture an inverter to supply a low power 230 volt socket. Where is it located and could Marco Polos be modified to provide a separate 230v socket powered via the inverter and the leisure battery?
It would be interesting to compare the V Class and Marco Polo wiring diagrams.
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The off grid one in the VW California are only around 150w output so if you want something similar to use off grid then just buy something like this: 150w Inverter they are less than 20 Euros!
Yeah, that's similar to the thing I've been using --- I was soooooo excited with the dealer said I could use the installed outlet and I could leave the inverter home. I guess I'm back to the inverter.

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