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Dust and dirt in runners

I have a cordless Dyson but I couldn’t find a nozzle small enough to fit in the runners so I got the cardboard insert from a toilet roll, cut it lengthways and pushed it into the standard nozzle. Now it is small enough to get into the runners so they can be kept nice and clean!
There is a track cover, I saw it just the other day but am not finding it now. I got a cheap, rubber backed rug at Leroy Merlin and Velcro'd it down to one, keep dirt out of the tracks and two (more importantly) saving them (my profile poster children) from ripping a nail off in the tracks.
The track cover strips can be obtained from the Mercedes Benz Service Shop in Germany
12.5€. Plus postage 7€ per order. You have to pay by euro bank transfer which is not a problem with most bank accounts.
They are fragile for idiots like me. Perhaps the Club Shop should keep a few in stock.

Marco Polo Club
