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"DSR Inoperative!"


Top Poster
Hello All, it's been awhile, but that's largely due to zero issues with our 2018 MP 4-Matic. That said the "DSR Inoperative" warning came on yesterday, and the local dealer has no openings for this week. I'm not going off road or descending any major hills for the near future, so I believe I'm OK as far as safety goes? We're doing daily 8 - 10 mile treks at 50 - 70KM an hour. Thoughts on safety? It's our only vehicle and we need to drive. Everything else is just fine, except for the tire pressure warning coming on just before the DSR warning. I reset the system and the tire pressure warning has stayed off during a 20KM spin this morning, but DSR comes back on as soon as I engage the transmission. And, it does feel a little cornering. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Marco Polo Club
