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Do I Fit?


Active Member
I'm soon to take ownership of a Marco Polo.
I originally wanted a VW Ocean (mainly because I didn't know about the MP).

HOWEVER - as the driver of the vehicle, I do NOT fit in the VW Ocean.
One of the gages I have for creating a value on a vehicle is: how long can I drive it. I determined I could comfortably drive the Ocean for about 30min then I'd need to get out and stretch my legs.

I've tested the MP a few times and the driver side seating is good (not great) but I determined I could drive it (in cruise control mode on the highway) for about 4hrs before I need to get out and stretch my legs.

My question is:
* Any other drivers on this forum that are over 6'5" (just about 2meters). What is your driving experience? Do you still like it after having driven it for long distances???
* Did you / can you alter the driver seat to give it a few more inches of space? -- I don't know, maybe longer seat rails, or thinner seat to allow for further pushing back the seat before it hits the sink, OR how about adjusting the position of the accelerator pedal......

It's amazingly frustrating watching ALL the review's / marketing material saying how amazingly comfortable/spacious a vehicle is -- then I get in it and I'm constantly asking the dealers who can even drive the vehicle.

Please understand - I'm only interested in the driving position, I can make-do with the sleeping areas.

And for reference: I currently own a Subaru Legacy, I fit in this wonderfully - I can drive this in-city/on-highway for as long as it takes to get somewhere.

I'm soon to take ownership of a Marco Polo.
I originally wanted a VW Ocean (mainly because I didn't know about the MP).

HOWEVER - as the driver of the vehicle, I do NOT fit in the VW Ocean.
One of the gages I have for creating a value on a vehicle is: how long can I drive it. I determined I could comfortably drive the Ocean for about 30min then I'd need to get out and stretch my legs.

I've tested the MP a few times and the driver side seating is good (not great) but I determined I could drive it (in cruise control mode on the highway) for about 4hrs before I need to get out and stretch my legs.

My question is:
* Any other drivers on this forum that are over 6'5" (just about 2meters). What is your driving experience? Do you still like it after having driven it for long distances???
* Did you / can you alter the driver seat to give it a few more inches of space? -- I don't know, maybe longer seat rails, or thinner seat to allow for further pushing back the seat before it hits the sink, OR how about adjusting the position of the accelerator pedal......

It's amazingly frustrating watching ALL the review's / marketing material saying how amazingly comfortable/spacious a vehicle is -- then I get in it and I'm constantly asking the dealers who can even drive the vehicle.

Please understand - I'm only interested in the driving position, I can make-do with the sleeping areas.

And for reference: I currently own a Subaru Legacy, I fit in this wonderfully - I can drive this in-city/on-highway for as long as it takes to get somewhere.

Hello Jamboree

I’m slightly shorter than yourself at 6’1”. In our old Cali I could do about 2 h before needing to stretch my legs. With the Marco Polo the deciding factor has been time between fuel stops.

The longest continuous stint was Genoa to Birmingham. A chiropractor was not necessary for the following day

Marco Polo Club
