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Hi guys,
I placed an order for a MAP sport 250 a few weeks ago and I can't wait for the collection day. However, I'm very annoyed with all the recent media coverage talking about potentially bans and taxes on diesel cars and how it affects the value of the second hand diesel cars. I don't intend to sell my MP but the media does upset me especially it's a high price vehicle and I want to be able to drive it everywhere without any restrictions. MP is a euro 6 which means it's a very efficient and clean vehicle, why would governments considering a blanket penalty on all diesel cars, especially there aren't any real alternatives available?! Is it really for the environment or is it just another excuse for governments to tax? You work hard so that you can afford to buy a MP and you are already being taxed for your income, and when you buy a MP you have to pay VAT and increased road tax. Now you are going to be penalised for driving it? Where is the justice? Sorry, I have to moan somewhere and wonder what others think...
I placed an order for a MAP sport 250 a few weeks ago and I can't wait for the collection day. However, I'm very annoyed with all the recent media coverage talking about potentially bans and taxes on diesel cars and how it affects the value of the second hand diesel cars. I don't intend to sell my MP but the media does upset me especially it's a high price vehicle and I want to be able to drive it everywhere without any restrictions. MP is a euro 6 which means it's a very efficient and clean vehicle, why would governments considering a blanket penalty on all diesel cars, especially there aren't any real alternatives available?! Is it really for the environment or is it just another excuse for governments to tax? You work hard so that you can afford to buy a MP and you are already being taxed for your income, and when you buy a MP you have to pay VAT and increased road tax. Now you are going to be penalised for driving it? Where is the justice? Sorry, I have to moan somewhere and wonder what others think...