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cooking in the Mp,

Tony H

Active Member
Hi My good wife is a bit concerned when cooking in the new Mp , is there any protection available to protect area above cooker from heat.
I previously had the 639 which had the metal back plate, but nothing on the new versions sadly.
I don't tend to cook much in the van, mainly outside, just use the hob to keep stuff warm or boil the kettle. That said, when we have cooked inside I've never had an issue
I have only ever used the hob once for practice to boil a kettle, any cooking would smell the van out.
All cooking is done beneath the awning with the Cadac
We also mainly cook outside when the weather is good...

But we live in the UK so have had much practice at cooking inside also! No issues with heat above (or smell if you give it some air), just make sure you open the sink cover as well when cooking.
We’ve cooked a fair bit in the van and it’s always been fine. We always either have the window or door open (often both).

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