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Can I stand on the roof???


Active Member
OK - this may sound odd, but I want to know if the structure of the roof will allow me to stand on it without damaging it.
I recently had a need to stand on it, but chose not to. I know I could put a roof rack then add "wood" to then stand on that - but I don't want to do that --- Does anyone know if there is a max weight the roof can handle.

I know - odd question.
Reasoning - I do a lot of photography, I was in a location that I needed to get up and over the "hedges" and if I could only have stood on top of the roof It would have been great.
OK - this may sound odd, but I want to know if the structure of the roof will allow me to stand on it without damaging it.
I recently had a need to stand on it, but chose not to. I know I could put a roof rack then add "wood" to then stand on that - but I don't want to do that --- Does anyone know if there is a max weight the roof can handle.
Don't do it - You will probably damage the roof, or dent it but even if you don't, you will scratch the paintwork horribly.

I know - odd question.
Reasoning - I do a lot of photography, I was in a location that I needed to get up and over the "hedges" and if I could only have stood on top of the roof It would have been great.
Why not just get a collapsible step ladder??
Something like this:
Collapsible Step Ladder
I like your thinking here but I would imagine, with the roof being fibreglass that it would probably crack rather than dent and almost certainly scratch since it seems to collect a load of dirt. The load limit is quite high something like 100kg https://www.marcopoloownersclub.com/threads/packing-tips-your-ideas-please.396/post-2276 but this needs to be spread evenly across the roof area. Adding a platform would be the ideal solution, maybe use one of the Thule combinations talked about on the forum.
Don't do it - You will probably damage the roof, or dent it but even if you don't, you will scratch the paintwork horribly.

Why not just get a collapsible step ladder??
Something like this:
Collapsible Step Ladder
those are huge, that will take up more then the room I want to. Also - this was a more spur of the moment thing, when I noticed a great spot I thought, hey - wouldn't it be great if I could get higher and just climb on the roof....
I like your thinking here but I would imagine, with the roof being fibreglass that it would probably crack rather than dent and almost certainly scratch since it seems to collect a load of dirt. The load limit is quite high something like 100kg https://www.marcopoloownersclub.com/threads/packing-tips-your-ideas-please.396/post-2276 but this needs to be spread evenly across the roof area. Adding a platform would be the ideal solution, maybe use one of the Thule combinations talked about on the forum.
Yeah, I think your right - the "bar rack system" would probably do the trick, I was just hopeful.

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