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bought a MB Marco Polo, some linked pictures


New Member
Hi guys, I wanted to share some pictures of my Macro Polo with you, since I appreciate your van pics very much.
It's a 2015 camper with pop top roof, kitchen whith 2-flame heater, fridge, two beds, table and 2 chairs. The front seats can be turned, it has an independent vehicle heater, second battery, plenty of storage cupboards and nice lighting features.
I am sometimes sleeping in it on my business trips and enjoy it very much. It's so cozy :) I actually prefer it over hotel stays and I always found great overnight stays, even in Frankfurt.
Last week I could test out my new shower head (which gets pluged in the back), see pic and I thought about posting some pics. Before the shower head, I used moist paper towels but I need fresh washed hair.
The car is actually awesome as well, the best feature is the radar cruise control, it makes driving way more relaxing.
Thank you!
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