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My 2018 V250 AMG marco polo has always worked efficiently with the leisure battery. It self charged from driving. If in use it would drain and you would have to have enough vehicle driving period to keep it charged. You could also charge from the exterior hook up electric port. This electric hook up would keep the battery charged to full and if you had been standing during camping when you drive away the bars on the triangle would be full. You then still had a full battery for use.
However after 6 years this just stopped working. It stopped charging while driving the vehicle, it was always on zero, it never charged up. I also had a triangle on the dash board of the console. So I couldnt open roof or put heating on or fridge etc. However when I plugged in the electric hook up the battery fully charged to full bars and I could use all the items on the console eg roof, fridge, heating….but it would reduce after unplugging slowly and not recharge from the engine driving in useage. I put the vehicle into Chesterfield dealership and they said oh we have checked and it is your leisure battery that needs replacing. Paid the money for a brand new battery and the dealership returned the vehicle with a full charge on the battery. Originally they wanted to send the vehicle back with this warning triangle still on the portal. I said no there is still something wrong if this triangle is there as it was never there before. So they said ……oh it is because you do not have water in the tank and I said well the triangle has never been there in 6 years whether water in the tank or not. I said I do not think it is this. They said well yes when you fill up the water the triangle will go out. So I said well not paying until you test, put water in it and see if the triangle goes out. So Mercedes part fillled the tank and returned the vehicle with a tank full of water and no triangle picture on the console. So I trusted them. I went on holiday and came back one week later I went to empty the water using the tap and low and behold the battery power had run down and not recharged (we have a brand new battery now) so rang Mercedes said new battery not charging. I plugged into the mains hook up and the battery as it did before I had the new battery charged to full (so if I had originally had a faulty battery how does it charge up on the mains?) . So now same problem with a brand new battery , it is not automatically charging from the engine in driving use and just going flat. (Could it be alternator or what else stopping the battery self charging while driving). Does anyone have any ideas, ? Going back to Mercedes dealership….I have the vehicle on the paid for fully service extended Mercedes warranty. Would this work be covered under the warranty of the vehicle. I have owned this vehicle since brand new and never had a problem with the battery before . It worked really well off road and held its charge normally from recharge from driving use. This has never happened before. So for example if driving the fridge or heating would always work. But if I stood on a camp site for a day without driving yes it would drain if I was not hooked up eventually after time.
No idea why I have suddenly now got this problem.

All help would be appreciated.
My 2018 V250 AMG marco polo has always worked efficiently with the leisure battery. It self charged from driving. If in use it would drain and you would have to have enough vehicle driving period to keep it charged. You could also charge from the exterior hook up electric port. This electric hook up would keep the battery charged to full and if you had been standing during camping when you drive away the bars on the triangle would be full. You then still had a full battery for use.
However after 6 years this just stopped working. It stopped charging while driving the vehicle, it was always on zero, it never charged up. I also had a triangle on the dash board of the console. So I couldnt open roof or put heating on or fridge etc. However when I plugged in the electric hook up the battery fully charged to full bars and I could use all the items on the console eg roof, fridge, heating….but it would reduce after unplugging slowly and not recharge from the engine driving in useage. I put the vehicle into Chesterfield dealership and they said oh we have checked and it is your leisure battery that needs replacing. Paid the money for a brand new battery and the dealership returned the vehicle with a full charge on the battery. Originally they wanted to send the vehicle back with this warning triangle still on the portal. I said no there is still something wrong if this triangle is there as it was never there before. So they said ……oh it is because you do not have water in the tank and I said well the triangle has never been there in 6 years whether water in the tank or not. I said I do not think it is this. They said well yes when you fill up the water the triangle will go out. So I said well not paying until you test, put water in it and see if the triangle goes out. So Mercedes part fillled the tank and returned the vehicle with a tank full of water and no triangle picture on the console. So I trusted them. I went on holiday and came back one week later I went to empty the water using the tap and low and behold the battery power had run down and not recharged (we have a brand new battery now) so rang Mercedes said new battery not charging. I plugged into the mains hook up and the battery as it did before I had the new battery charged to full (so if I had originally had a faulty battery how does it charge up on the mains?) . So now same problem with a brand new battery , it is not automatically charging from the engine in driving use and just going flat. (Could it be alternator or what else stopping the battery self charging while driving). Does anyone have any ideas, ? Going back to Mercedes dealership….I have the vehicle on the paid for fully service extended Mercedes warranty. Would this work be covered under the warranty of the vehicle. I have owned this vehicle since brand new and never had a problem with the battery before . It worked really well off road and held its charge normally from recharge from driving use. This has never happened before. So for example if driving the fridge or heating would always work. But if I stood on a camp site for a day without driving yes it would drain if I was not hooked up eventually after time.
No idea why I have suddenly now got this problem.

All help would be appreciated.
hi we have just returned from switzerland, and i have had the same problem, triangle and fridge not working, 2019 plate bought new 73 k / just got back yesterday so will be looking at it soon and update , had a new mains battery fitted on 70 k hope you get sorted regards ian
Thank you…….the fridge was working when charged by external hook up and the battery charged. But it just would not work self charging while driving the vehicle. Then new battery put in and even when charged roof now doesn’t open and tap does not work.
So maybe they blew a fuse …..I will keep you updated. Jackie
My 2018 V250 AMG marco polo has always worked efficiently with the leisure battery. It self charged from driving. If in use it would drain and you would have to have enough vehicle driving period to keep it charged. You could also charge from the exterior hook up electric port. This electric hook up would keep the battery charged to full and if you had been standing during camping when you drive away the bars on the triangle would be full. You then still had a full battery for use.
However after 6 years this just stopped working. It stopped charging while driving the vehicle, it was always on zero, it never charged up. I also had a triangle on the dash board of the console. So I couldnt open roof or put heating on or fridge etc. However when I plugged in the electric hook up the battery fully charged to full bars and I could use all the items on the console eg roof, fridge, heating….but it would reduce after unplugging slowly and not recharge from the engine driving in useage. I put the vehicle into Chesterfield dealership and they said oh we have checked and it is your leisure battery that needs replacing. Paid the money for a brand new battery and the dealership returned the vehicle with a full charge on the battery. Originally they wanted to send the vehicle back with this warning triangle still on the portal. I said no there is still something wrong if this triangle is there as it was never there before. So they said ……oh it is because you do not have water in the tank and I said well the triangle has never been there in 6 years whether water in the tank or not. I said I do not think it is this. They said well yes when you fill up the water the triangle will go out. So I said well not paying until you test, put water in it and see if the triangle goes out. So Mercedes part fillled the tank and returned the vehicle with a tank full of water and no triangle picture on the console. So I trusted them. I went on holiday and came back one week later I went to empty the water using the tap and low and behold the battery power had run down and not recharged (we have a brand new battery now) so rang Mercedes said new battery not charging. I plugged into the mains hook up and the battery as it did before I had the new battery charged to full (so if I had originally had a faulty battery how does it charge up on the mains?) . So now same problem with a brand new battery , it is not automatically charging from the engine in driving use and just going flat. (Could it be alternator or what else stopping the battery self charging while driving). Does anyone have any ideas, ? Going back to Mercedes dealership….I have the vehicle on the paid for fully service extended Mercedes warranty. Would this work be covered under the warranty of the vehicle. I have owned this vehicle since brand new and never had a problem with the battery before . It worked really well off road and held its charge normally from recharge from driving use. This has never happened before. So for example if driving the fridge or heating would always work. But if I stood on a camp site for a day without driving yes it would drain if I was not hooked up eventually after time.
No idea why I have suddenly now got this problem.

All help would be appreciated.
If it were the alternator you'd also have a flat starting battery I think.
Perhaps the relay to the house battery not working properly?