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Awning from factory or aftermarket?


Active Member
Hello again everyone, almost there with our order. Just stuck on whether to fork out for the awning or buy an aftermarket drive away one? We're thinking more of resale value than for ourselves, would you be put off without one or not bothered as an aftermarket drive away type offers more for the money? Thanks in advance.
We had an awning as an option. In black to match the black vehicle. We combine it with a sun blocker and one awning wall for our ‘quick’ camping set up. Works really well for us but it depends on how you camp. Don’t know enough about after market awnings time be able to comment.
Thanks for your response. I see you are in Dorest. We’re in Bournemouth for the weekend. Any chance we could come and see your van before ordering? Not seen one in the flesh with cream interior and that’s what I’m thinking of going with!
Sure - we are black with cream interior. This was from when we were camping in the drive during lockdown. DM me and we can sort out a time. Apart from Tuesday I am around most of the week. We are near Blandford.
Hello again everyone, almost there with our order. Just stuck on whether to fork out for the awning or buy an aftermarket drive away one? We're thinking more of resale value than for ourselves, would you be put off without one or not bothered as an aftermarket drive away type offers more for the money? Thanks in advance.
Awnings are very much a subjective opinion. We have both and use the rollout awning for any quick one or two nighters where the driveaway is for longer stays or where we may need storage. We find this ideal but everyone is different.
Some other points to consider:
You mention resale value. Aside from slightly odd thinking of resale when you haven't ordered yet it may add minimal value if you have one but it also adds 'sale-ability' and may attract buyers to your vehicle in comparison to others for sale.
If you have a rollout awning you don't have to use it. If you don't have one, you can't use it!
If you are comparing with driveaway awnings remember that they are two completely different systems and each with their positive and negative points although I can't think of too many negatives on a rollout awning aside from cost
Good luck in your decision whichever way you go
Thanks Steve. I always think of resale as I don’t tend to keep vehicles for very long! Good points and thanks for advice. My brother who has experience of drive away ones doesn’t think I’ll be bothered with the faff but then read about air awnings that effectively erect themselves so made me wonder if that’s a better option. I’d like some extra space and privacy on site and see there are solutions that fix to the roll out for this as well.its a tough one.
Thanks Steve. I always think of resale as I don’t tend to keep vehicles for very long! Good points and thanks for advice. My brother who has experience of drive away ones doesn’t think I’ll be bothered with the faff but then read about air awnings that effectively erect themselves so made me wonder if that’s a better option. I’d like some extra space and privacy on site and see there are solutions that fix to the roll out for this as well.its a tough one.
Yep, ours is an air awning. It doesn't take too long to attach and erect and you do gain more living and storage space. However, they are also big and cumbersome to store and transport too if you are just going on a daytrip or short break.

In short: Attach the driveaway to the van with the keder strip and a couple of pegs by the van. Pump it up (5 mins) then peg the corners etc and you're done.

FYI, the driveaway attaches to the channel on the van roof if you do not have an awning. If you have a rollout it also has a channel so is attached in exacly the same way via keder strip

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