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auxiliary heater

Tony H

New Member
Hi I'm about to purchase A 2021 V250d marco polo. This is in Belgium so a left hand drive model.
The rep when I asked if it had the onboard diesel aux heater, he said not this model has an electric heater that can be run all night, could this be true?
On the specs it mentions auxiliary heater?

Sorry forgot to mention , I have just rejoined, I had the 639 about ten years ago, thought I,d be clever and try a california.
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I believe the only factory fitted heater that can run all night is the auxiliary heater which runs on diesel from the main fuel tank. There is a heater that pre-heats engine coolant, often called the “water heater”, and this can provide a limited time of residual heat to the cabin. I believe this is electric.
Agree with Roy, there isn't an electric heater that will run all night
Thanks Roy and Steve, I don't think it will deter me from buying as it pushes all the right buttons for me except for this problem, and we are often high up somewhere in europe and those mornings can be cold.
Thanks Roy and Steve, I don't think it will deter me from buying as it pushes all the right buttons for me except for this problem, and we are often high up somewhere in europe and those mornings can be cold.
Do you go off-grid or are you mostly on EHU? If off-grid is common for you then I would check because running an electric heater would likely run down the leisure battery quickly. There are lots of reports on here of reps at dealers getting confused by the Marco Polo and especially the heaters so I wouldn’t be surprised if your rep has it wrong.
yes Roy , often off grid. I'm back in touch with the rep, hoping he can qualify his possibly mistaken statements.
Thanks for your assistance, just posted another problem , I think it might be a dead aux battery, as the adanced control app is inaccessible