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An MP as an everyday vehicle

Hi All,

Our MP is due in 6 weeks and I'm planning on using it as my everyday vehicle. You guys and gals that already have your vans, is this practical??


Hi All,

Our MP is due in 6 weeks and I'm planning on using it as my everyday vehicle. You guys and gals that already have your vans, is this practical??


I can't really see why you can't use it for everyday. It's definitely not a small car but with the help of parking sensors and 360 camera (if you ordered) as well as the precise steering, it's not bad at all. You will obviously have to plan ahead in terms of getting into tight corners, crowded car parks etc but you should get used to it very quickly. One more benefit is that the sitting position is high up like a big SUV and this hugely improves your visibility all round.
Hi All,

Our MP is due in 6 weeks and I'm planning on using it as my everyday vehicle. You guys and gals that already have your vans, is this practical??



In my opinion, Yes. I have owned and used my 250d AMG most days since July 17, so far it hasn't put a foot wrong, I have never found myself struggling to find suitable parking and as funkyegg said if you have chosen 360 Deg camera etc you should have no problems. I have the parking assist which I sometimes use although it scared me to death the first time I used it!
The 250d drives beautifully, I really like the high up driving position and the seven speed auto gear box is seamless. Being rear wheel drive it has a relatively small turning circle. The split tailgate is great for shopping trips meaning you can still load the parcel shelf when there is insufficient space to open the tailgate.
One last thing, the lights are fantastic, by far the best I have ever experienced so if your daily use includes night driving I think you will be very happy.
Only downside is it gets dirty!
Hi All,

Our MP is due in 6 weeks and I'm planning on using it as my everyday vehicle. You guys and gals that already have your vans, is this practical??



Hi Phil.

I am not an MP owner but something similar and to me the most defining reason to own a camper and not something bigger is to use as a daily driver. It pleases me no end that Alfie, my trusted vehicle, is not just sat in the drive day after day waiting for those odd moments when he is pressed into use as a holiday vehicle.

The MP has no real height or length problems, (you may stick out a bit in some car parks but not seriously) and it is a lovely vehicle to drive so even if you had no reason to be on the road in it then you will be wishing that you had. My one tip.... it's wide. Try and park either next to a verge, or with at least one empty space to the side. Preventing door dings soon develops into an art form.:D
I use mine most days too. No problems. I agree with all the points raised above. Fuel economy is surprisingly good too.

I have the automatic parking, but I hardly use it (I haven't yet learned to trust it -- I'm sure it is OK but always end up hitting the brake when it is halfway thru the manoeuvre). With the cameras it is hardly necessary. Having said that, even with 360 degree cameras I did manage to put a dent into the sliding door getting into a really tight car park space between two pillars. Fortunately I live not far from the factory where it was built in Vitoria, and the guy from the (non-Merc) workshop I took it to managed to get it resprayed for next to nothing at the factory itself :) I am now more careful, but I have at least stopped worrying about minor dings and just enjoy the van.

We sold our Volvo XC-90 and Audi TT and picked up a MP as our only car. Works great on the commute to work in Econo, Comfort and Sport. We need a SUV or van for the 4-legged kids, thought about a Vito, but there's nothing in the Vito to keep the Prosecco cool. In all seriousness, I'm very satisfied commuting in our 2019 MP. And so are they:
It has only been two weeks with our MP but as a daily driver it is no more difficult through traffic and parking than the large 4x4 it replaced. Only downside is I will occasionally miss the 5th seat of the 4x4 but the upsides are worth it!
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In London the roads are full of black V250 long's as private hire vehicles, they seem to have no issues
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We use ours everyday and its great! We bought a smaller car for school run / commuting etc but preferred the comfort of the MP and stopped using it and eventually sold it!
For some people this size vehicle is the day job. But I would say that if you lack confidence in your ability a vehicle of this size could help, providing you are prepared to take your time. Visibility is excellent through the front and the door mirrors, the rear view mirror is just about useless. But this shouldn’t be a problem you just have to adapt your driving and use the door mirrors.

It’s all about confidence, and that can only come with experience..

We weren’t sure about hauling around a kitchen and wardrobe everyday so we chose the Horizon but most of the people on here live well with it so I guess it’s all good for everyday rattling of pots and pans LoL

It’s a very capable driver friendly vehicle, I have been driving a V-Class for 13 years and have never doubted it.
In London the roads are full of black V250 long's as private hire vehicles, they seem to have no issues
We see the black limo V250s all over when in Rome, Italy on business. I had a moment at our dealership where I had the temptation to get one, but am glad I went with the MP for sure; some much utility.
I use my mine as my daily car to and from work, and my wife occasionally goes in it to do the Friday big shop. No issues other than it sticks out a bit in the carpark, we normally try to find a spot away from other cars if possible.
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As previously mentioned above - the MP is very fuel efficient for such a large and heavy vehicle. On a recent trip from Reading to Sandringham and back, it gave us 44.6mpg (measured from tank full to tank full) !!

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
Fortunately I live not far from the factory where it was built in Vitoria, and the guy from the (non-Merc) workshop I took it to managed to get it resprayed for next to nothing at the factory itself :) I am now more careful, but I have at least stopped worrying about minor dings and just enjoy the van.


Hi Martin
I’m Having a problem with the lid that covers the EHU & water filler cap.
Today I noticed that the left side hinge pin was protruding through the little hole on the lid and that the sharp end of the spring was sticking out, with the lid closed.
I managed to push the pin in again to prevent the lid coming off.
The lid is not operating easily but I can get it closed.
I assume that these springs are fixed to the hinge pins.
Would it be possible for you to contact the guy that you know in the Vitoria workshop and ask if the hinge pins or the flip up cover are available as spare parts?
Many Thanks
Paul Mc


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Hi Paul

Sorry to hear of your problems. I'm afraid you will need to contact Westfalia (in Germany) for that part of the van since it isn't part of the standard build that is done in Vitoria. Although my van was made here, it was then shipped to Germany and back for the camper-related parts like this to be installed.


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