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a fair utube review with a few real facts on the MP


Active Member

this is a utube review on the MP from a polish car and van reviewer. what you will note is that the MP in the review as a skylight in the bed section and he gives details of bed sizes etc. interesting.
not to sure the roof is damaged, I think that they have just not closed it fully. The two videos make interesting viewing for sure. I like the fact that he gives sizes for the bed areas and not just the big smiles and how big they are and move on. In fact both vans have narrow single size beds. But what hit me the most was how very dated the VW is. I have only seen one new one in a showroom and a few used ones and they all looked to my eyes a bit made up. but I have never played with the lights or cupboards in a vw. But I think again he was correct that if you are into outside sports, biking, kayaking etc the vw would be the better van. It will be interesting to see if Mercedes brings in the Horizon and the two smaller campers they do into the UK.
The passenger side is fully closed its only the drivers side thats open. Maybe its the bedding stopping it as he noted in the video, but the design of the VW roof isn't great, the corrosion problem, the lack of ability to leave items in the roof area when closed, the fragile design (as shown in the ad) and the reports of the bellows getting caught all seem to effect the VW.
no the passenger side is open, I can see the grass between the roof of the van and the bed roof. the corrosion is due mainly to the mix of metals used. aluminium hates being next to steel and will start to corrode the same thing can be found on land rovers. the bellows getting caught is down to bad design for sure. I understand that both van doors need to be open when the roof is let down to stop the material bellowing out due to air pressure, but some sort of guard would be a simple fix. But if i ran VW and people put up with it, why would I bother spending money improving it. However time is out on the faults or not of the MP, apart from the rear chairs come bed motors burning out and the german spec gas cylinder I cant see much. And the plain silly position of the waste water valve which should be on the outside of the van.

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