Marco Polo 2.0 V220d 2022 (March) for sale. Blue with pop-top roof, tow bar, 360 degree camera and many extras. Excellent condition 16,380 miles. £65,000. Any questions please contact me.
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Where are you and what’s the reason for sale?Marco Polo 2.0 V220d 2022 (March) for sale. Blue with pop-top roof, tow bar, 360 degree camera and many extras. Excellent condition 16,380 miles. £65,000. Any questions please contact me.
Hi, we live just outside Norwich.
Absolutely love the Marco Polo. Dream to drive. We've just retired. Just returned from 4 weeks in France and now need a bathroom on board. Only reason due to our age. Tony
Hi, the Marco Polo is also on autotrader. That's has all the details. It's in excellent condition with many extras. It's better than the equivalent vw (california ocean). It drives like a car whereas vw drives like a van. Hope this assists. TonyThat’s a very pretty camper and I’m in the market for one. Sadly I know very little about the Marco Polo as I have been mainly looking at VW. Thanks for any extra details that might draw my attention.
we live on the Norfolk / Suffolk border.
Thanks Tony Ile be reading and watching some reviews to get better acquainted with the camper.Hi, the Marco Polo is also on autotrader. That's has all the details. It's in excellent condition with many extras. It's better than the equivalent vw (california ocean). It drives like a car whereas vw drives like a van. Hope this assists. Tony
That’s a very pretty camper and I’m in the market for one. Sadly I know very little about the Marco Polo as I have been mainly looking at VW. Thanks for any extra details that might draw my attention.
we live on the Norfolk / Suffolk border.