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2021MY buying experience and first thoughts

Update: I emailed [email protected] after the comments above with our vehicle details and they are sent back a letter identical to the above for sending on to the DVLA with the V5c to correct the Logbook.

Merc stated in their email "our V 300 d AMG Line Extra Marco Polo is classed as a Camper Van and has been registered incorrectly."

Anyone done this yet? - did you also send a V70 form in to claim a VED refund in the same breath?
Not yet. I'm waiting for my wife to get the letter printed out at work. Not sure about the v70. But I was going to do it to be on the safe side. I'm expecting it to take a while and I'll be amazed if its agreed. If not I'll be hounding MB until something is resolved...... in other news, I'm waiting for a replacement Mbux system as mine has shuffled off this mortal coil. Hopefully mine is the only "Dud" and the issue rectified before you take delivery.
I might start a 'save the push button' campaign as we move towards total touch screen living. My 2019 audi had virtually all touch screen operation and one of the screens was low down in the console, so you had to look where you were touching, i though it a bit distracting as a glance wasn't enough sometimes and there is no feel. Its gone now so not an issue to me but I wonder how many people will have an accident whilst trying to touch the correct bit of the Mbux screen

Marco Polo Club
